5 Things To Try Now

Ready to go beyond Zoom for team collaboration? Try these 5 things out this week and see how they work for your group:


This should really be step zero. If you don't already have a Google Group defined for your team, start with that.

You probably know Google Groups as mailing lists, but they are also access control groups. You can share documents with Google Groups, define Chat Rooms with them, even share Currents posts with them. And the best part is, when you manage the group members in Google Groups, it will keep permissions in sync across all the other places you've shared content with that group. IT has a special self-service page for creating groups here, and then you can manage your groups at groups.google.com


Set up 2 Google Chat Rooms for your group, one for work and one for "work-adjacent" conversations. Add the Google Group to the chat and start a chat in each one.


Use a collaborative whiteboard like Jamboard in a Zoom meeting this week and have your group use it together in realtime to discuss, brainstorm, teach, etc.


Make your first Currents post and start a Current Community for your Team. Share something interesting you've read (and remember to keep it work appropriate).


Try out a team project management app like Google Tables or Smartsheet. Make a simple Kanban board if you're new to project management apps, and have everyone in your group help to populate it. It's OK to not get it perfectly configured for your group the first time - just try it out and see if it works for you. Try collaboratively building it during a Zoom meeting, so that everyone can give feedback on how to best set up your board.