Whiteboards and Diagrams

From whiteboards built into Zoom to more advanced whiteboards that can operate in or out of realtime meetings, IT has tools to have you drawing on the virtual board in no time.

Jamboard is Google's whiteboard tool and is part of the Lab's G Suite license. You can use Jamboards from virtually any device, including with native mobile apps for iOS and Android. Jamboards feature drawing tools, backgrounds, image uploads, post it notes and more. You'll find familiar Google sharing settings to share with individuals, or share by link to Lab users or the world. Jamboard can also work with Google's dedicated Jamboard appliances, which some teams may find helpful for hybrid remote/onsite teams. You can find Jamboard at jamboard.google.com or on the "New" menu within Google Drive.

PRO TIP 1: Use Jamboard inside Zoom or Meet for the collaborative whiteboard experience.

PRO TIP 2: Use a second device with touch (like your tablet or phone) in order to draw more accurately - you can have a Jamboard open on your laptop and draw on your phone all at the same time.

Zoom has a built in simple whiteboard you can select from the "Share Screen" menu. It features similar tools to Jamboard, but doesn't allow you to easily store and continue to edit your previous whiteboards. Many of our new conference rooms will have Zoom whiteboards built it. More from Zoom on Whiteboards here.

Diagrams.net is the Lab's recommended diagramming tool (replacing LucidChart). Simply visit Diagrams.net and select to store your work in Google Drive - you'll immediately have access to all the normal Google sharing permissions. Share the diagram in Zoom for the collaborative realtime approach to designing processes, workflows, and systems.